
George Augustus Schott was born at Bradford of German parentage in 1868. Educated at Bradford Grammar School and Trinity College, Cambridge, he took a first in each part of the Natural Science Tripos, taking chemistry in his second part. After taking his B.A. degree in 1890, and later obtaining the D.Sc. degree of London, he became assistant lecturer to Professor D. M. Lewis in the D epartm ent of Physics. H e was granted leave of absence to work in G erm any for a year. H e becam e lecturer in Applied Mathematics in Aberystwyth and in 1910 was appointed to the Chair of Applied Mathematics. Later he was appointed head of both the Departments of Pure and Applied Mathematics, and at his own request the Departm ents were again separated in 1929. He was Vice-Principal of Aberystwyth 1933—34, having retired from the Chair of Applied Mathematics in June 1933. He died suddenly on 15 July 1937, and, as his posthumous work shows, in the full possession of his powers. He had obtained the Adams Prize in 1909 and became Fellow of the Royal Society in 1922.

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