
James Herbert Orton was born on 11 March 1884 at Bradford, Yorkshire, his father being George William Orton of Westmorland who married Sarah Rebacca West of farmer stock from Lincolnshire. James was the fourth child in a family of six brothers and six sisters, four of whom died as infants, one at the age of 12 and another at 27. He was town bred, but at an early age he became interested in the country and would spend whole Sundays on long walking expeditions hunting for frogs and newts, and birds nests. His childhood days were healthy and happy though owing to early financial troubles his parents had little means. At the age of 11 years, while attending part time at White Abbey Board School in Bradford, he was employed half-time as an errand boy. He himself has remarked that he thereby attained a certain degree of independence, a character for which he was noteworthy throughout his life. He enjoyed his school work and remembered especially his appreciation of one teacher who taught physiology and rugby football. When 13 years of age he became apprenticed as a mechanical dentist, serving his time until he was 21. During those years he attended evening classes at the Technical School and later took his London University Matriculation examination. In 1906 he won a National Scholarship in Biology and proceeded to the Royal College of Science, London, where he became a 1st class Associate in Zoology in 1909

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