
The article emphasizes that the professional culture of future bachelors in physical therapy and ergotherapy is an indispensable component of their future professional activity because it is professionalism and professional culture that ensure the formation of competent and highly qualified specialists. The level of professional culture of future bachelors in physical therapy and ergotherapy directly depends on the level of their professional skills, which contributes to the improvement of the specialist's professional qualities and competitiveness in the labor market.
 It is noted that the person's existence in the modern world and his attitude towards it depends primarily on culture. In different historical epochs, there is a significant number of cultures, interactions, and interpenetrations that determine the person's life position, worldview, and worldview. In a broad sense, culture is considered to be a set of spiritual and material values and methods of their formation. The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate the essence of the concepts «culture» and «professional culture of future bachelors in physical therapy, occupational therapy», to distinguish the elements of professional culture, forms, and types of the culture of specialists. Research methods are analysis of literary sources, generalization, and comparison.
 The article clarifies the essence of the concepts «culture», and «professional culture»; the major forms and types of culture are characterized, and the elements of professional culture are analyzed; the professional culture of future bachelors in physical therapy and ergotherapy is interpreted as a complex social and psychological neoplasm that originates in the process of studying at a higher educational institution and is realized during the performance of functional duties, determines worldview orientations, value attitudes, professional possession of knowledge, abilities, skills and the level of professional training of future specialists. In the future, it is envisaged to determine the components, criteria, and levels of professional culture of future bachelors in physical therapy and ergotherapy in the process of their professional training in institutions of higher education.

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