
The results of the impact of soy lecithin and sunflower on productivity and quality slaughter calves geese. Experimental studies were conducted with 200 geese breed «Danish lehart» which formed 5 groups. Since days old, I (control) group of geese received during the research period, complete feed is made in terms of private enterprise «Orbita», II, III, IV and V (experimental) group received a complete feed with the addition of its composition of different doses of lecithin sunflower instead of a similar amount of soybean meal. Experimental young geese fed complete ration that was balanced in essential nutrients. Over the entire period of growing the highest average increase in body weight observed in geese II experimental group, which was 95.2 g, which is 9.7% higher compared with the control. Advantage geese III, IV and V of experimental groups fed 0.3%, 0.4% and 0.5% soy lecithin, this indicator was 0.3%, 4.8% and 7.4% compared to analog control group. A similar trend was observed in terms of the absolute increase in body weight, where the highest increase was observed in the experimental group of geese II – 5711 g, which is 9.6% higher compared with the control. Feeding soy lecithin III, IV and V of the experimental group also tended to increase in absolute growth, namely 0.3%, 4.8% and 6.4% relative and 0.5% – 0.8%. To assess meat quality of young geese for the use of sunflower lecithin and soybean aged 60 days was held control slaughter to determine slaughtered parameters. In terms of pulp output young geese II experimental group exceeded by 16.3% (P < 0.01), analogues control group, the experimental group III geese by 4.4%, geese IV experimental group 6.4% (P < 0.05) and the experimental group geese V 8.5% respectively. By weight of skin with subcutaneous fat geese dominated research groups geese control group 12.3%, 7.1%, 5.2% and 9.9% respectively. Calculation of meat and osteal index showed that in II experimental group the figure was 1.86 and was 7.5% higher than the control at 3.5%, III research group – on 2.7%, IV group – to 1.6% and 0.5% V group respectively. Analyzing the findings can assert about the appropriateness of sunflower lecithin in the composition of complete feed young geese in an amount of 0.4%. Prospects of further research is to study the effects of different amounts and sources of sunflower lecithin in feeding breeder geese breed «Danish lehart».


  • Scientific Messenger of Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies named after S.Z

  • Over the entire period of growing the highest average increase in body weight observed in geese II experimental group, which was 95.2 g, which is 9.7% higher compared with the control

  • A similar trend was observed in terms of the absolute increase in body weight, where the highest increase was observed in the experimental group of geese II – 5711 g, which is 9.6% higher compared with the control

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Матеріал і методи досліджень

Експериментальні дослідження були проведені на базі приватного підприємства «Орбіта» Миколаївської області. Матеріалом для науково-господарського досліду був молодняк гусей породи Датський легарт. Годівля гусенят із добового до 60-денного віку здійснювалася повнораціонними комбікормами. У комбікорми для птиці дослідних груп протягом періоду вирощування додатково вводили соняшниковий та соєвий лецитин у такій кількості, %: друга група –. Соєвого лецитину, четверта група – 0,4% соєвого лецитину та п’ята група – 0,5% соєвого лецитину. Гусенята контрольної групи добавку соняшниковий лецитин не одержували Гусенята контрольної групи добавку соняшниковий лецитин не одержували (табл. 1)

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