
One of the important conditions for the successful conduct of geese farming industry is normalized physiologically reasonable feeding birds that carried out by the use of complete feed and feed additives, including biologically active substances. Since days old, I (control) group of geese received during the research period, complete feed is made in terms of private enterprise «Orbita», II, III, IV and V (experimental) group received a complete feed with the addition of its composition of different doses of lecithin sunflower instead of a similar amount of soybean meal. At the beginning of the experiment live weight of geese had no significant differences in terms of research groups, indicating that similar selected poultry and averaged 116 – 118 grams. Since the first week of growing live weight of geese in experimental groups fed sunflower lecithin slightly increased. If, at the beginning it was not quite expressed, starting from the second week of growing this advantage becomes more significant. So, the live weight of geese at the age of two weeks in the control group was 1287 g, while the live weight of geese II, III, IV and V of experimental groups was higher by 1.4%, 4.3% (P < 0.01), 6.2% (P < 0.001) and 4.9% (P < 0.001), respectively. These differences observed between the experimental groups during the growing period.
 Thus, at the end of the first period of growth, namely four weeks of age, live weight of geese fourth experimental group was 3350 g, 8.0% (P < 0.001) higher relative to the control group by 5.6% compared to II experimental group, 2.8% (P < 0.01) III and 2.2% (P < 0.01) V research group. It should be noted that at the end of the second period, growing at the age of nine weeks goslings in control group matched the experimental group II on 2,3%, III – 5.1% (P <0.01), IV – 10.3% (P < 0.001) and V – 7.5% (P < 0.05), respectively. To study the anatomical and morphological structure of the experimental birds at the end of the scientific and economic experiment in the 60 days age were held control of slaughter. Our results indicate that different amounts of sunflower lecithin in diets of young geese during their growing meat differently affect their slaughter capacity. Table 3 shows that young geese feeding in the composition of animal feed sunflower lecithin has contributed to their live weight in experimental groups respectively 1.8%, 5.3%, 9.4% and 7.5% compared to the control group counterparts. For goose gut carcass weight preference geese in experimental group was respectively – 3.2%, 6.9%, 12.3% and 8.6%. The biggest muscle mass was observed in the experimental group IV geese and amounted to 1 895 g, that on 14.2% more muscle mass geese control group. The mass of muscle II, III and V of the research groups on the same indicator was higher by 3.0%, 7.7% and 9.2% in comparison with I control group. The use of sunflower lecithin in diets of young geese caused the increase in weight of internal fat. Thus this indicator preference experimental groups was – 5.7%, 15.4%, 25.1% and 18.3% according to analogue control. These changes have led to improved of meat and bone index. Thus, birds III, IV and V research groups preference for this indicator was 5.1%, 11.9% and 6.8% according to analogue controls. The indicator in poultry II experimental group was on par with the control group. Thus, putting in the diets of young geese sunflower lecithin positively affected the rate of growth of young geese slaughter their performance and made it possible to reduce the cost of feed per unit of growth. However, the best results were obtained when control weighing and slaughter, which is part of the feed was injected 0.4% sunflower lecithin.


  • Scientific Messenger of Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies named after S.Z

  • У результаті експерименту встановлено, що на початку досліду жива маса гусенят мала не суттєві відмінності у розрізі дослідних груп, що свідчить про аналогічність відібраної птиці, і становила в середньому 116 – 118 грам

  • Our results indicate that different amounts of sunflower lecithin in diets of young geese during their growing meat differently affect their slaughter capacity

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Умови проведення досліду Основний період

Під час проведення науково–господарського досліду, який тривав 60 діб і був поділений на два періоди (1 – 30 та 31 – 60 діб), птицю утримували на глибокій підстилці. Площа посадки з розрахунку на одну голову в період 1 – 30 діб 10 гол/м2 та 31 – 60 діб 5 гол/м2, фронт годівлі 1,5 см та 2 см. Годівлю піддослідних гусей здійснювали двічі на добу повнораціонними комбікормами. Всі групи упродовж дослідних періодів, які тривали 60 діб, отримували повнораціонний комбікорм, переважно із зернових кормів. Ріст і розвиток молодняку гусей визначався за загальноприйнятими в зоотехнії методиками на основі періодичних щотижневих зважувань від добового віку і до 60 діб. У кінці науково–господарського експерименту проводили контрольний забій піддослідної птиці за методикою ВНДІТІП (Fisinin and Imangulov, 2000). Біометричну обробку даних здійснювали за допомогою програмного забезпечення MS Excel з використанням вбудованих статистичних функцій

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