
According to the experiment, the productive effect of different amounts of grain of the triticale of Harroz variety in feed for the reproductive indices of feeding rabbits was established. According to the tasks assigned, five groups of nursing rabbits were selected and formed according to the principle of analogues. To feed the experimental nursing rabbits, a full granulated mixed feed was used in the structure of which there was a different content of triticale grain: II research group – 10.0%, III, IV and V research groups - 20.0%, 30.0% and 40.0% respectively . Nursing rabbits of the 1st control group were fed full-fat mixed fodders, which were balanced for the main nutrients, but did not contain triticale grain. In the study of the multiplicity of feeding rabbits with different contents of crushed grain of the triticale of the Harroz variety, it was higher in the 3rd and 4th experimental groups (in the ration of 20 and 30% of the crushed grain of triticale) with an index of 8.0–8.2 heads (P < 0.05). The large-fruited index predominated in the nursing rabbits of the 4th experimental group and amounted to 65 g; in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th groups it was 62, 63, 64, and 61g. The amount of milk of nursing rabbits is an indicator that positively correlates with fecundity, the weight of rabbits at birth (large-fruited), the preservation of the nest. Milk index was also the best in nursing rabbits of the 4th group and amounted to 2.83 kg, which is 0.09–0.24 kg more than in all other groups (P < 0.01). By the number of rabbits with weaning at 35 days, the fourth group of nursing rabbits predominated, this index was 7.1 g. The average live weight of one head during separation was higher by 40–50 g in the 3rd and 4th test groups compared to the first control group and amounted to 0.75 and 0.76 kg (P < 0.05). According to preliminary indications, the best nest weight in weaning during 35 days was the nursing rabbits of the 4th group – 5.36 kg, which is 0.47 kg higher than the control (P < 0.05). The highest percentage of conservation of rabbits before weaning at 35-day-old age was observed in groups 3, 4 and 5, and was at the level of 94.59; 93.42; 97.1%. It was found that the structure of the ration of nursing rabbits with a content of crushed grain of triticale of Harroz 20, 30 and 40% was significantly influenced the preservation of the nest. The index – the index of the reproductive qualities of feeding rabbits (IVKK), based on the indicators of large-fruited, milk and number of rabbits with weaning (35 days) was higher in feeding rabbits of 3rd and 4th groups and amounted to 126.4 and 128.8. The maximum reproductive indices of feeding rabbits provided a structural content in the diet of 30% of the crushed grain of the triticale of the Harroz variety (the fourth research group). The ration (30% of the triticale crushed grain) ensured the growth of the multiplicity by 8.5%, the size of the fetus by 5%, the milkness of the rabbits by 9%, the weight of the nest at weaning at 35 days old by 9.6%, and the complex index of IVKK by 6.5%.


  • Productive effect of different amounts of triticale grain on reproductive parameters of the rabbits and quality of the offspring

  • To feed the experimental nursing rabbits, a full granulated mixed feed was used in the structure of which there was a different content of triticale grain: II research group – 10.0%, III, IV and V research groups 20.0%, 30.0% and 40.0% respectively

  • Nursing rabbits of the 1st control group were fed full-fat mixed fodders, which were balanced for the main nutrients, but did not contain triticale grain

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Згідно проведеного експерименту встановлено продуктивну дію різної кількості зерна тритікале сорту Харроза у комбікормі на репродуктивні показники кролематок. Для годівлі піддослідних кролематок використовували повнораціонний гранульований комбікорм у структурі якого був різний вміст зерна тритікале: II дослідна група – 10,0%, III, IV та V дослідні групи – 20,0%, 30,0% та 40,0% відповідно. Встановлено, що на збереження гнізда значною мірою вплинула структура раціону кролематок з вмістом дерті зерна тритікале сорту Харроза 20, 30 і 40%. Наукові дослідження з даної теми істотно підвищать економічну ефективність інтенсивного виробництва кролятини в Прикарпатті шляхом фізіологічної оптимізації раціону помісних кролематок і низької ціни фуражного зерна тритікале сорту Харроза. Мета досліджень – удосконалення рецептів повнораціонних гранульованих комбікормів для кролематок з оптимальним вмістом зерна сорту тритікале Харроза та преміксів до них за умов інтенсивного виробництва

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