
The effectiveness and high degree of biological effect of dead bees extract in medium doses on the nature and degree of morphofunctional rearrangements in the immunocompetent structures of the central and peripheral immune organs and immunocytological reactions in them have been established. A scientifically based scheme for the use of dead bees extract is proposed to improve the livability of livestock, increase live weight and improve the biochemical indicators of the quality of quail meat. Dead bees extract in low and especially in medium doses increase the production of the red bone marrow cells of the granular germ of white blood cells by 22,2 and 25,6 %, lymphoid cells by 4,7 and 6,9 %, erythroid germ by 2,3 and 11,0 %. Under the action of dead bees extract in the Fabricius bag quail strengthens the processes of maturation and differentiation of B-lymphocytes, which is manifested by extension immunocompetent cortical area in the 2nd and 3rd experimental groups (30 and 60 days of experiment by 10,4 and 22,1 % and 12,3 and 24,3 %, respectively), a reduction in brain area. The increase in the weight of the Fabricius bag (despite its general involution) in the 2nd and 3rd experimental groups on 30 and 60 days was 1,24 and 1,47, 2,59 and 3,0 times, respectively. In the thymus of quails under the influence of low and medium doses of dead bees extract the intensifi cation of maturation and differentiation of T-lymphocytes, resulting in the expansion of the cortical substance on 30, 60 and 90 days of 1,55 and 1,62, 1,42 and 1,73, 1,61 and 1,95 times, respectively, against the background of the depletion of brain matter, in excess of the thymus weight (with its expressed total involution) by 1,32 and 1,42, by 1,38 and 1,5, by 1,24 and 1,34 times, respectively. Dead bees extract activates the processes of antibody formation, increasing the immunological activity of the spleen in the form of expansion of the area of lymph nodes without light centers in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th experimental groups by 1,39, 1,83 and 1,5 times, respectively, and with light centers by 1,57, 1,79 and 1,19 times (B-zone). It increases the area of the perivascular lymphoid coupling (T-zone) by 1,5, 1,8 and 1,28 times, respectively, activates immunocytological reactions, increases the weight of the spleen of quails. The live weight of the males of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th experimental groups exceeded the control by 27,6, 31,8 and 18,9 g, and the females by 17,6, 27,7 and 9,9 g, respectively. The livability of livestock in the control group was 78,0 %, in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th experimental groups 89,0, 95,0 and 85,0 %, respectively.

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