
The purpose of the article is to identify ways of creating the most frequently used terminological combinations in Kazakh television journalism, the reasons for their non-compliance when translating them from Russian, alternative options, etc. At the same time, the analysis of linguistic problems arising in the process of translating suffixal term elements into Kazakh in the Russian language determines the relevance of the article. The article considers the following issues concerning the equivalents of Russian terminological combinations in the Kazakh language: the equivalent or translation of individual terms; suffix "-н + endings -ый/-ая/-ое", "-ск - suffix + endings -ий/-ая/-ое", "-о-в- suffix + endings - ый/-ая/-ое", "не - prefix + root + suffix -н-+ endings -ый/-ая/-ое", etc. When translating terminological combinations into the Kazakh language with different endings, each of them gets its own individual meaning, and the discrepancy between the terminological combinations used in Kazakh TV journalism with equivalents approved by the Republican Terminological Commission under the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, registered in the electronic database, is revealed "Termincom.kz", with translations presented in industry terminology dictionaries. In the field of television journalism, when determining the equivalent of terminological combinations, along with generalizing methods such as synthesis, induction, deduction, grouping, systematization, separate methods and techniques such as morphological transformation in translation, lexical and morphological calculus, as well as one of the research approaches of sociolinguistics - the survey method were widely used. In the survey conducted during the research, terms often used in the activities of television specialists were selected, representatives of the national and international media, specialists of the National Translation Bureau, researchers of research institutes engaged in translation activities took part in the survey.

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