
In the proposed publication, the author made an attempt to reconstruct a picture of the past, connected with the struggle for councils on the territory of the most remote from the center of the subject of the country the Kamchatka region (gubernia, okrug) on the basis of the existing achievements of predecessors, new documents that have been opened. The problem of periphery always attracted attention as historians of Western Europe, the USSR and the USSR, Russia. Particular attention in terms of the development of the problem of periphery was given in historiography by scholars of Italy. An important direction of historical science in many ways allows to stabilize many processes of restoring individual stages of the history of the peninsula, to cover both the vast territories of the state and many of its components, including Kamchatka, which is not an exception to the rules, as well as many other territories of the outskirts of the Union SSR, Russia. The article drew attention to the key issues of the development of the revolutionary process, adaptation in Russia on the eve of 1917. Along with this, the specifics, peculiarities peculiar to the regions of the North, are shown. The process of formation of self-consciousness and national consciousness of the population belonging to different ethnic communities living on Kamchatka is largely touched upon. Of course, this situation was not the same for different regions of the peninsula. On archival materials, both published and identified, the process of forming state power bodies in Kamchatka is traced, thereby addressing the problems of institutionalizing the very process of fighting for the formation of new social relations. For Kamchatka, the use of new technologies to control the revolutionary process was also characteristic, which found its manifestation in the system of provincial and revolutionary committees that were being created, when many tasks of this epoch had to be solved in an emergency. In this regard, the role and place of many of the participants of that period in Kamchatka was determined. The analysis of such peculiarities of the region as a place of neighboring states (Japan, USA) in the fate of the Kamchatka Peninsula was carried out, which was, of course, a temporary phenomenon. However, it had a negative effects in the course of solving the issues of involving ethnic minorities in state administration, the development of the province, in solving issues of national-state and Soviet construction, the work of government bodies, and in public outreach activities during the period under study.


  • Ключевые слова: Камчатка, этнические меньшин- Keywords: Kamchatka, ethnic minorities, Soviet ства, советское строительство, Советы, бандитизм, construction, councils, banditry, national-state национально-государственное строительство, building, Japan, USA, revolutionary committees Япония, США, ревкомы

  • the author made an пытка на основе имеющихся наработок предше- attempt to reconstruct a picture of the past, conственников

  • выявленных новых документов вос- nected with the struggle for councils

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Historical Sciences and Archaeology

Ключевые слова: Камчатка, этнические меньшин- Keywords: Kamchatka, ethnic minorities, Soviet ства, советское строительство, Советы, бандитизм, construction, councils, banditry, national-state национально-государственное строительство, building, Japan, USA, revolutionary committees Япония, США, ревкомы. Вспыхивавшие на широкой территории страны в этот период, носили спонтанный характер, протекали стихийно, являясь проявлением народного движения, вызванного репрессиями со стороны государственной власти, особенно тем, что ни одно из требований, выдвинутых революцией, не было удовлетворено. Что работники советских и партийных органов власти преследует единственное стремление - соединение с Советской Россией, применение советских принципов в жизни и в государственном строительстве Приморской области, Камчатки и о. Тем не менее в это же время и на Камчатке разворачивалась работа по решению проблемы институциализации власти в областном масштабе в условиях чрезвычайной ситуации. На территории Камчатской области ревкомы функционировали еще и в конце 1920-х годов, оставаясь составляющей системы институциализации советской власти на полуострове, ее олицетворением в условиях военной обстановки и послевоенного ее развития. Численность и расположение революционных комитетов (ревкомов) по территории Дальневосточной республики (июнь 1920-1922 гг.)

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