
The article is aimed at investigating the problems of the expression of conditionals in the Uzbek language. Particularly, in the article a special emphasis is placed on the analysis of peculiarities of formal expressions of conditionals in the Uzbek language. The objectives of the research are formed by defining the notion of condition in Uzbek, studying the forms of expression of the conditionals, analyzing the syntactic structure of the conditional constructions, identifying the levels of language in which conditionals are expressed, analyzing the functions of conjunctions connecting the clauses of conditional sentences and identifying the stylistic features of conditional conjunctions. Linguistic description, generalization of prior ideas and theories in the field and componential analysis methods are used. The results of the study have shown that the conditionals are expressed by the synthetic and analytic forms, the synthetic forms (conditionals formed by affixes) refer to the conditional forms constructed by adding the conditional affix “-sа” to the stem of the verb, the analytic forms (the combination with two or more components) include the form of“-sа”+ to’liqsiz fe’l (an auxiliary verb (edi, ekan, emish), the combination of a part of speech which is not a verb+bo’l (to be)+sa, lexical units as desa, bo’lsa, yo’qsa and proverbs. The conditionals are mainly expressed at the grammatical and lexical levels of the language. In the grammatical layer, the conditionals are especially expressed through a syntactic unit which is a complex sentence and it is important to note the role of the conditional affix “-sa” in expressing a condition at the morphological level. In the lexical layer, some lexical units and proverbs can be regarded as means of expressing conditionality. Also,conditional clauses are connected by various conjunctions (agar, basharti, mabodo, bordiyu, madomiki all referring to “if” in English) and these connectives possess different stylistic colorings and the main function of such conjunctions is not to express conditionality, but to emphasize and exaggerate a conditional meaning. So, the structural peculiarities of conditionals in Uzbek are determined by their syntactic structure, their expression in different language levels and the conditional conjunctions.

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