
Pursuant to the effective laws, the Russian Federation has a functioning system for prevention of minors neglect and delinquency. This system comprises both a number of measures of organizational and legal nature aimed at creation of conditions for the normal physical, mental and moral development of children and teenagers and elimination of conditions promoting minors involvement in sociopathic and unlawful activities, and a combination of various government bodies and institutions of general and special competence implementing these actions. For instance, healthcare bodies, education agencies, authorities for social protection of the population, and many others have their own competence in this area. Police plays special role in the common system for prevention of minors neglect and delinquency. Specialized youth liaison police units are created, the competencies of which include working with teenagers involved in sociopathic activities, as well as identification and elimination of causes and conditions facilitating such activities, including legal pressure on persons infringing rights and lawful interests of minors, committing offenses against minors, or involving them in unlawful activities.

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