Topicality. One of the important factors hindering the development of the market of innovative technologies in Ukraine and creating investment barriers for its subjects is the existing problems in connecting to the networks of engineering infrastructure. This necessitates the improvement of the process of technological connection of the subjects of the market of innovative technologies to the networks of engineering and technical support of their activity.Aim and tasks. The purpose of this article is to identify problems associated with the connection to utilities (in the field of energy, water, heat and gas supply), the market participants of innovative technologies and develop proposals to address these problems. It is necessary to solve two tasks: to identify and investigate the main problems when connecting to the networks of engineering and technical support and find ways to eliminate them.Research results. Comparative analysis of information from the sites of resource providers - monopolists in four major cities from different regions of Ukraine shows that there are a number of problems when connecting to utilities, namely: the complexity and opacity of the procedure for connecting to utilities, especially in the preparation of specifications; terms for carrying out works on connection to engineering networks. All this creates a breeding ground for corruption and leads to an increase in money and time spent by entrepreneurs - participants in the market of innovative technologies.Conclusion. The article proves that one of the important factors hindering the development of the market of innovative technologies in Ukraine and attracting new investors is the connection to the engineering infrastructure. Existing problems are related to the lack of a single procedure that determines the stages, timing and cost of connecting to utilities. Therefore, it is necessary to legislate such a single procedure, its stages, deadlines and cost. In addition, it is necessary to enshrine in law the following provisions: establishing the absence of payment for connection to engineering networks for industrial construction; prohibition of organizations-suppliers of resources (subjects of natural monopolies) to demand from the customer of construction of engineering networks acquisition of any goods (services) or carrying out of any works for the benefit of legal or physical persons; introduction of penalties for natural monopolies for failure to provide or late provision of Technical Conditions to the customer, for violation of the procedure or deadlines provided for in the construction of utilities. It is also advisable to create a single platform at the Departments of Economic Development of regional administrations, where you can get help in connecting to utilities "turnkey - one package", which will reduce the time for documentation for connection to utilities and eliminate unnecessary contacts with suppliers- monopolists.
One of the important factors hindering the development of the market of innovative technologies in Ukraine and creating investment barriers for its subjects is the existing problems in connecting to the networks of
The article proves that one of the important factors hindering the development of the market of innovative technologies in Ukraine and attracting new investors is the connection to the engineering infrastructure
It is advisable to create a single platform at the Departments of Economic Development of regional administrations, where you can get help in connecting to utilities "turnkey - one package", which will reduce the time for documentation for connection to utilities and eliminate unnecessary contacts with suppliers- monopolists
Метою даної статті є визначення проблем, пов’язаних з підключенням до інженерних мереж (в сфері енерго-, водо-, тепло- і газових постачань), у суб'єктів ринку інноваційних технологій та розробка пропозицій щодо усунення цих проблем. У статті доведено, що одним з важливих факторів, що заважає розвитку в Україні ринку інноваційних технологій та залучення нових інвесторів, є підключення до інженерної інфраструктури. Існуючі проблеми пов'язані з відсутністю єдиної процедури, яка визначає етапи, терміни і вартість підключення до інженерних мереж. Необхідно закріпити законодавчо такі положення: встановлення відсутності плати за приєднання до інженерних мереж для промислового будівництва; заборона організаціям-постачальникам ресурсів (суб’єктам природних монополій) вимагати від замовника будівництва інженерних мереж придбання будь-яких товарів (послуг) або проведення будь-яких робіт на користь юридичних чи фізичних осіб; введення штрафних санкцій для суб’єктів природних монополій за ненадання або несвоєчасне надання замовнику Технічних умов, за порушення порядку чи термінів, передбачених при спорудженні інженерних мереж.
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