
Topicality. The urgency of the problem of stable development of the domestic market of innovative technologies today is due to the fact that, according to Western experts, world economic growth is already more than 3/4 based on the achievements of scientific and technological progress, and more than half of the profits received by enterprises are formed as a result of the promotion of new goods and services. This indicates that innovative development is increasingly becoming an important component of the reproduction process as a whole, and sustainable economic growth, preservation and creation of new competitive advantages in the business sector of the country becomes possible only if the transition to an innovative model of economic development. Aim and tasks. The aim of the article is to develop a conceptual model of sustainable development of the market of innovative technologies in Ukraine based on the transformation of the business environment in order to create favorable conditions for the fullest use of the combined potential of science and technology entrepreneurship. Research results. The system of principles of transformation of the business environment in the context of sustainable development of the market of innovative technologies on the basis of the revealed tendencies which have developed in world economy in the last decade is offered. The conceptual model of sustainable development of the market of innovative technologies in Ukraine on the basis of transformation of the business environment which is based on the theory of innovative development, the revealed interrelation of the factors characterizing a condition of the business environment is developed, and market development of innovative technologies (the criterion of which we consider the volume of sold high-tech products (works, services) in terms of information and communication technologies in production and services, production and services using high technology and intellectually rich market services), and also takes into account the probabilistic nature of the development of socio-economic processes in the world and national economies. It is argued that the business environment is a basic strategic variable, the transformation of which (through the mechanisms and tools of state regulation) is the key to sustainable development of the market of innovative technologies in Ukraine. Conclusion. The proposed conceptual model will be the basis for further development of the methodology of transformation of the national business environment, which will determine the functioning and development of the market of innovative technologies in the future, providing conditions for innovation and technological development of business structures and the country as a whole.

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