
This research examines the problems and prospects of harmonizing the space of industrial cities in modern conditions. The main problems of the development of industrial cities are defined. The importance of studying the previous results of scientific research on similar issues is considered. To highlight the main directions of functioning and development of industrial cities. An analysis of the global practice of transforming industrial cities into comfortable and safe areas was carried out, with the definition of the main types. The main key concepts that help to consider the problem more broadly are revealed. The conducted content analysis of the architectural and urban planning space made it possible to identify the problems (disproportions) of the industrial city from the standpoint of living conditions in urban areas: dissonance between the historical and modern development of the city territory; imbalance between natural and urban areas of the city; presence of significant industrial zones within the city, distortion of proportions between residential, recreational and industrial areas of the city; industrial and social infrastructure conflict; monotony, vagueness of a typical residential building; environmental problems in the city (environmental pollution, negative impact on the "microclimate" of the industrial city); the presence of "marginal" natural and industrial territories that have lost their utilitarian functions; decrease in public safety and increase in crime. The presence of these problems indicates an imbalance and disharmony in the organization of the city space, which negatively affects the social environment and can be accompanied by social imbalance and conflicts. At the same time, the problem areas of the industrial city have the potential to restore disturbed areas, taking into account the modern needs of the population and, as a result, choosing a new functional content. At the same time, it is important that the new functions built into the objects fit into the existing urban context, meet the needs of potential users and promote social consensus.

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