
Physical education, except individual cases, has not received attention it deserves in the educational process. There are probably numerous reasons, but proficiency of those in charge of conducting classes is certainly one of them In physical education classes in junior grades of elementary school inadequate educational content is very often used, time allocation to certain parts of a class is inefficient, and physical activity of students is minimal. The problem of insufficient and inadequate physical activity in Serbia has reached national proportions. For this reason, the Regulation on the National Program for Prevention, Treatment and Control of Cardiovascular Diseases in Serbia until 2020. (2010) was adopted. It is recommended to increase the volume of extracurricular activities within the physical education school curriculum. The essence of each physical activity is the development of basic motor abilities which are responsible for the effectiveness of human movement, and which, influenced by various factors, can be changed positively or negatively. It is believed that a high level of motor abilities is the basic precondition for successful learning of new motor structures. In recent years there has been a steady decline in the level of motor abilities, which is especially pronounced in muscular endurance and the strength of the upper limbs, due to the way of life and work, but also because of inadequate physical education syllabus. The situation is especially unfavorable in younger school age, because the available capacities of school sport facilities are mainly used by senior students, who are, by an unwritten rule, considered to have priority in using the gymnasium and sport terrains, or sport facilities are rented by sport clubs after the classes have been finished. Physical education, except individual cases, has not received attention it deserves in the educational process. There are probably numerous reasons, but proficiency of those in charge of conducting classes is certainly one of them In physical education classes in junior grades of elementary school inadequate educational content is very often used, time allocation to certain parts of a class is inefficient, and physical activity of students is minimal. The problem of insufficient and inadequate physical activity in Serbia has reached national proportions. For this reason, the Regulation on the National Program for Prevention, Treatment and Control of Cardiovascular Diseases in Serbia until 2020. (2010) was adopted. It is recommended to increase the volume of extracurricular activities within the physical education school curriculum. Instead of dissatisfaction with working conditions, which is often stated as a reason, one should turn to that which determines students' attitude towards physical activities - competence and commitment of Physical Education teachers!.

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