
The historical feature of the protection of corpses, as well as the development of funerary tendencies, is an integral part of the functioning of our civilization, from the very beginning of time. The approach to death depends on the cultural and denominational circle as well as time. Respect for the living and the dead was in the past a separate division of civilization and thought development. Nowadays, new trends can be observed in the development of the protection of the human individual, as well as his name or reverence. In modern Polish legislation, the open catalog of personal rights (Article 23 of the Civil Code) is a wide field of interpretation in the very problem of the existence of specific goods. Undoubtedly from the provision of art. 23 k.c, it follows that this protection is due to the live unit, and thus only until its death. In modern Polish legislation, the open catalog of personal rights (Article 23 of the Civil Code) is a wide field of interpretation in the very problem of the existence of specific goods. Undoubtedly from the provision of art. 23 k.c, it follows that this protection is due to the live unit, and thus only until its death. At the moment when, according to the law, we cease to deal with a living person, and we start talking about corpses, certain rights are ceded to the closest persons, some are subject to inheritance. The right that people who are closest to someone’s death to cultivate this person according to their own conscience and religion and the contract between the entity authorized to burial and the cemetery management, as well as a number of related circumstances (on the drudge of several areas of law), will be called the right to the grave. The existence of the right to the grave belongs to arguable issues, as the liberty of the subject granting a certain sphere of possibility of proceedings, including its the scope of power. In the article, the Authors also discuss the issues related to the offense described in the art. 261 and 262 of the Polish Criminal Code. The dogmatic analysis carried out with regard to elements of a prohibited act has made it possible to establish, the scope of criminalization of these acts.

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