
The article reveals problem-based learning as a subject of research by foreign and domestic scientists. The prerequisites for the emergence of problem-based learning in order to develop heuristic skills in the process of solving problem situations are analyzed. These situations are both a practical and theoretical-cognitive nature. They activate education seekers’ knowledge, analytical skills, and scientific searches for models that would ensure critical, productive thinking and change the motivation of cognitive activity with the dominance of cognitive-motivational (intellectual) motives. A comparative and definitive analysis of the concept of problem-based learning is done. Scientists define it from different positions, namely as a new type of learning, a teaching method, and a principle of education.
 It is emphasized that problem-based learning is based on problematic situations. They arise in the following conditions: if students do not know how to solve a problem; if students can not answer the question; if students explain a particular fact; if it is necessary to use previously acquired theoretical knowledge in practice; if there are contradictions between the theoretical possibility of solving the problem and the practical impossibility of using this particular method; if there is a result of the contradiction between the practically achieved material and the lack of knowledge for theoretical justification.
 It has been found that the concept of problem-based learning has gained recognition among scholars from Poland, Bulgaria, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, and some other countries. They have made a significant contribution to the development of the theory and practice of implementing problem-based learning, interpreting the understanding of the peculiarities of problem-solving in the lesson in different ways, and as well as the direct influence of the problem situation on the cognitive activity and psychological state of the individual. In turn, it should be noted that most well-known didactic theorists’ statements are based on studies of the impact of problem-based learning on schoolchildren. There are not enough studies on the creation of pedagogical conditions necessary for the general development and future professional activity of students of vocational education, as well as models of the formation of readiness for problem-based learning. Therefore, this topic requires further research and study.

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