Probabilistic safety analysis of the loss of coolant accidents in the VVER-type reactor plant has been performed taking into account the internal initiating events of the reactor primary circuit large leakages. Swedish program code RiskSpectrum PSA was used for probabilistic safety analysis. Logical probabilistic models of the accident scenarios of the large primary circuit leakages in the VVER-type reactor were developed taking into account different operation modes of the power plant unit. Critical paths and probabilities of the accident scenarios occurrence of the large leakages were identified. The critical path of development of the reactor primary circuit large leakages accident with large leakages of 140–346 mm diameters is the accident sequence with a leak in the pipeline to the reactor pressurizer vessel. It has been established that the greatest contribution to the failure of safety functions during this initiating event is made by the failures due to common causes of the supporting systems (cooling and ventilation systems), critical consumers cooling circuit, emergency injection system. The critical path of the accident with large leakages of 346–850 mm diameters is the accident sequence with the rupture of any of the four primary circuit loops. The greatest contribution to the failure of safety functions during this initiating event is made by the failures due to common causes of the emergency injection system elements. Based on the accident analysis, recommendations for increase of performance reliability of safety functions during the large leakages accidents under all operation states of the nuclear power plant unit were given. In order to increase reliability of safety systems, it is necessary to eliminate failures due to common causes of equipment, increase the reliability of operation of supporting systems, change the maintenance and checking equipment procedures.
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