
This article presents the research and design activities of oil and gas companies operating in the Siberian Federal district. The purpose of research is to develop priority areas of innovative development of the scientific and design complex. For the hypothesis of research, it has been assumed, that the priorities of innovative development of the research and design complex should be linked to external and internal industry challenges. As an initial data have been accepted the results of research, carried out by the authors for subsidiaries of the JSC “NK “Rosneft”. The research has identified a list of external and internal technological and production challenges, facing the oil and gas industry in Russia, analyzed the research activities of institutions, research and development of which are aimed at the development of oil and gas production in the Siberian Federal district, made a SWOT-analysis of innovative activities of research and design complexes. As a result of the identified challenges, facing the oil and gas industry, and the SWOT analysis, priority areas of innovative development of the oil and gas complex have been allocated. In particular, it has been found, that in order to overcome successfully the challenges, facing the oil and gas industry, it is necessary to implement a number of technological and managerial reforms in the shortest possible time, including the development of competencies in the field of integrated design, starting with the reservoir model and ending with the economic justification for the development of the field using advanced equipment and technologies in projects. The need to create domestic software for the needs of exploration, production, and automation of management activities of companies has been also noted. The scientific contribution of the conducted research is that the promising directions of innovative development of scientific and design complexes of the industry have been correlated with modern external and internal challenges, facing the oil and gas industry.


  • Наращивание объемов добычи нефти и газа, добыча углеводородов компании должна вырасти в том числе и на территории СФО, и преодоление к 2020 г. по сравнению с 2010 г. в 1,5 раза и составить современных вызовов, стоящих перед отраслью, 170–180 млн т. нефтяного эквивалента в год, из них невозможно без ее инновационного обновления

  • This article presents the research and design activities of oil and gas companies operating in the Siberian Federal district

  • As an initial data have been accepted the results of research

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Увеличение точности оценки капитальных вложений и планирования инвестиций

Связанное с переходом от долгосрочных контрактов к спотовым и глобализацией рынка газа. В том числе принятие третьего энергопакета и введение экономических и технологических санкций в отношении России. Создание единой базы ПАО «НК «Роснефть» и архива данных инвестиционных проектов, объектов. Изменение географии торговых потоков: рост значения АТР в международной торговле [12; 15]. Истощение разрабатываемых месторождений Западной Сибири и, следовательно, необходимость освоения новых нефтяных ресурсов континентального шельфа арктических и дальневосточных морей, Восточной Сибири и Дальнего Востока. Увеличение доли трудноизвлекаемых запасов (сверхвязкая нефть, природный битум, нефтеносные пески и сланцы и другие) в структуре минерально-сырьевой базы нефтегазового комплекса. Развитие добычи нефти и газа в сложных климатических условиях на шельфе, в том числе освоение арктических шельфовых месторождений

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