
Click to increase image sizeClick to decrease image size Acknowledgements We thank the team at Montgomery Botanical Center for their assistance: Jared Fogg, Archivist, for providing sources for historical information, and Dr Larry Noblick, Palm Biologist, for verifying species. We are also very grateful for the clear, thorough, excellent, and engaging work of Faith Jackson, the biographer of Phillips. Montgomery Botanical Center Notes 1. N. Smiley, William Lyman Phillips Citation (1978). Montgomery Archive. 2. F. R. Jackson, Pioneer of Tropical Landscape Architecture (Florida: University Press of Florida, 1997). 3. Jackson, p. 246. 4. Jackson, p. 27. 5. B. Zuckerman, The Montgomery Story (Florida: The Montgomery Foundation, Inc., 1997), p. 9. 6. Jackson, p. 244. 7. Zuckerman, p. 11. 8. R. H. Montgomery, Fifty years of Accountancy (New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1939), p. 223. 9. L. H. Wait, Fairchild Tropical Garden: The First Ten Years (New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1948), p. 8. 10. B. Zuckerman, The Dream Lives On: A History of the Fairchild Tropical Garden ( Miami: Banyan Books, Inc., 1988), p. 27. 11. N. Smiley, ‘Independence was his way of life’, Miami Herald, October 27, 1966, p. 32F. 12. Jackson, p. 227. 13. N. Smiley, Annual Report: The Montgomery Foundation, Inc. (1961). Montgomery Archive. 14. Jackson, p. 227. 15. Jackson, p. 243. 16. F. R. Jackson, Letter to B. Zuckerman (1995). Montgomery Archive; Jackson (1997), p. 208. 17. Jackson (1997), p. 183. 18. W. L. Phillips, Fairchild Tropical Garden — A memoir (1958). Manuscript, Montgomery Archive. 19. Smiley (1966). 20. Jackson (1997), p. 233. 21. Phillips (1958). 22. Jackson (1997), p. 226. 23. Jackson (1997), pp. 193–194. 24. Phillips (1958). 25. Jackson (1997), p. 232. 26. Phillips (1958). 27. L. R. Noblick, C. E. Husby, and M. P. Griffith. ‘The Palm Collection at Montgomery Botanical Center’. Public Garden, 23, 2008, pp. 26–29. 28. J. C. Timyan and S. F. Reep. ‘Conservation Status of Attalea crassispatha (Mart.) Burret, The Rare and Endemic Oil Palm of Haiti’. Biological Conservation, 68, 1994, pp. 11–18. 29. J. Hibbard, January 2006 Site Visit Report (2006). Montgomery Archive. 30. H. Leon, ‘Contribucion al estudio de las palmas de Cuba’, Revista de la Sociedad Geografica de Cuba, 4, 1931, p. 52. 31. S. Dhar, ‘Corypha taliera: Endangered Palm Extinct in the Wild’. The Palm Journal, 130, 1996, pp. 10–11.

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