IntroductionMuscle fibers can efficiently contract to promote body movement and are site of energy storage.These important properties are sustained by their intricate intracellular structure. In particular,membrane remodelling and trafficking play a central role in these processes. The phosphoinositides(PIs)secondmessengersarekeyregulatorofintramembraneorganizationanddynamics.However,theroles of phosphoinositides and membrane organization in muscle functions under normal and path-ological conditions are not well defined.Two families of PI-phosphatases have been implicated in myopathies: myotubularins and Jumpy/MTMR14(Lecompte etal.,2008).Humanmyotubularins(MTM1andMTMR1-13)arephosphoinositide3-phosphatases or phosphatase-like proteins mutated in several neuromuscular disorders (Laporteet al., 2003; Previtali et al., 2007; Taylor and Dixon, 2003; Wishart and Dixon, 2002). MTM1 ismutated in X-linked myotubular (centronuclear) myopathy (XLMTM) (Laporte et al., 1996), whereasMTMR2 and MTMR13 are mutated in demyelinating Charcot–Marie–Tooth neuropathy types 4B1 and4B2,respectively(Azzedineetal.,2003;Bolinoetal.,2000;Sendereketal.,2003).Myotubularinssharehomology tothe catalytic domainsof protein tyrosine phosphatases and dual-specificity phosphatases
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