
AbstractThis chapter is devoted to the study of occupational morbidity in Ukraine in the context of improving public health, taking into account international labour standards, ILO practices and practices of individual European countries. Statistical information on the number of insured events causing harm to life or health of employees (in the dynamics of the last 20 years) and the dynamics of major occupational diseases in Ukraine, the level of occupational injuries in some European countries was analysed. The current risks, connected to safety and health of employees (including those caused by the Covid-19 pandemic) and the new challenges on creating a safe and healthy work environment have been explored. The relationship between reforming labour protection, sustainable development and the concept of decent work has been identified. The need to develop and periodically review national policy in the field of labour protection, increasing attention to building a national culture of prevention in the field of labour protection are distinguished between the current trends in the creation of safe and healthy working conditions. The role of compulsory state social insurance in the prevention of occupational diseases has been analysed, the experience of some European countries in this field has been studied. Suggestions on reforming social insurance institutions against occupational morbidity as well as occupational health and safety management have been made. They are aimed at implementing the principles of public health, preventing morbidity and early detection of health disorders.

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