
Intestinal parasites are endemic in many developing areas, and they are regarded as one of the most frequent tropical diseases, where they are responsible for adult and child morbidity and mortality. The current study is a survey to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasite infections in patients attending the General Hospital for Pediatrics in Kirkuk City from January 2021 to September 2021. Stool samples were examined by direct smear method with normal saline 0.9 % NaCl and 1% iodine-Lugol solution staining method to determine the outcomes of the current investigation. The results were assessed using the Q-square statistic test. The current study's findings revealed that intestinal parasites were reported in 69(31.7), the most affected group of patients with intestinal parasites, those 1-3 years old (11.4%), Intestinal protozoa infection were (24.3%) significantly more than helminths with (7.4%). The most common protozoa were Entamoeba histolytica (17.9%), the next common protozoan found was Giardia lamblia (6.4%). Intestinal helminth infections were reported in this study (7.4%). Males were more infected with intestinal parasites (18.4%) than females (13.3%). The highest infection rate with intestinal parasites was recorded between August (6.4%) and September (4.6%). Double infection was detected in three cases with Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblia. At the same time, no triple infection was reported during this study. Keywords: Intestinal parasitic infections, Intestinal protozoa, Intestinal helminths, Kirkuk

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