
The article deals with the history of formation of male Podillia Eastern schools at the beginning of the 20th century based on historical and archival sources. Pre-professional training of future teachers in the gymnasia of Eastern Podillia of the early 20th century has been analyzed. The changes and innovations in the educational process in the men's gymnasiums have been characterized. It has been proved that a gymnasium philosophical propaedeutics course played an important role in pre-professional training of future teachers. The role of aesthetic education for pupils in the men’s gymnasiums has been examined. Educational and general significance of Sunday readings of historical and geographical nature; excursions and their impact on male students in the pre-professional training schools have been considered. It has been proved that pre-professional training in the men’s gymnasiums of eastern Podillia had haphazard nature and was limited by the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, rather than focus on the future profession. The management of gymnasiums have repeatedly raised the issue of necessity of measures on the orientation of its graduates on the teaching profession because of a lack general educational and practical training of teachers led to a low level of knowledge of students. It should be mentioned, that there existed some elements of pre-professional training, especially with those students who had a vocation for teaching; a tendency to work with children. Teachers of gymnasiums, especially those who had a classical education and teaching experience were monitoring the level of knowledge of pupils, their overall development, organizational skills, technical or artistic inclinations, hobbies and more. However, the major push for pupils to focus on the teaching profession was the personality of the teacher – level of organization, pedagogical interaction, its methodology and so on. It has been proved that a sufficient theoretical training and organization and conducting of extracurricular activities such as concerts, readings, exhibitions and excursions also contributed to having the graduates of a particular specialty in higher educational institutions. Preparing the students for an entering the universities and institutions has remained the main task. Lack of public and officials awareness of the importance of teaching professional activity, proper pedagogical training hampered the development of Podillia teacher education.


  • That there existed some elements of pre-professional training, especially with those students who had a vocation for teaching; a tendency to work with children

  • Razyasneniya kasatelno prepodavaniya v gimnaziyakh zakonovedeniya i filosofskoy propedevtiki [Explanation concerning teaching in gymnasiums of jurisprudence and philosophical propaedeutics] // Tsirkulyar po Kievskomu uchebnomu okrugu. – 1905. – No 10. – P. 500–518

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На основі історичних й архівних джерел розкрита історія становлення і діяльності чоловічих гімназій в Східному Поділлі на початку XX ст. Проаналізована допрофесійна підготовка майбутніх вчителів у цих навчальних закладах. Охарактеризовані зміни та нововведення у навчально-виховному процесі гімназій. Що важливу роль у допрофесійній підготовці майбутніх вчителів відіграло введення викладання курсу філософської пропедевтики. Встановлено, що допрофесійна підготовка в чоловічих гімназіях регіону в розглядуваний період мала загалом безсистемний характер й обмежувалася набуттям учнями теоретичних знань, а не їх орієнтацію на майбутню вчительську професію. Що достатня теоретична підготовка, а також організація та проведення позакласних заходів сприяли спрямуванню випускників гімназій на здобуття вищої освіти в університетах або інститутах. Разом з тим неусвідомлення тогочасними громадськістю та урядовцями значення фахової і суспільної діяльності вчительства, недостатня підготовка учнів гімназій гальмували розвиток педагогічної освіти в Східному Поділлі.

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