
Most children with special educational needs have problems with interactionand communication. This is because for successful communication, the children must respond to other people when approached, and initiate communication on their own, and the quality of this process is impaired.One of the conditions for the implementation of the New Ukrainian School concept, which states that for students with special needs the optimal conditions for learning together with their peers will be created, is the development of communication skills. In view of the above, there is an urgent need to properly train future professionals to undertake this activity.During the research we used a set of the following methods: theoretical (analysis and synthesis of scientific-pedagogical literature, interpretation, modeling, concretization, etc.) and empirical (conversations, interviews, pedagogical observation, consulting, testing, etc.).The purpose of the article is to disclose the content of our worked out discipline «Forming communicative activity of children with special educational needs» in the system of training of future specialists in specialty 016 «Special Education» at H.S. Skovoroda KhNPU.The purpose of the study discipline is to prepare highly qualified, competitive, integrated specialist in the European and world scientific and educational space, who can qualitatively ensure the forming communication skills of children with special educational needs, as well as to promote harmonious development of personality adult / child with disabilities through different means.The content of the program is presented: topics of lectures, questions and tasks for seminars, as well as a list of creative tasks for independent work. The program takes into account all aspects of communicative activity of different categories of children with special educational needs.The results of the research can be used to develop new and improve the content of existing educational disciplines for the organization of education of children with SEN, aimed at training future specialists in the specialty 016 «Special Education» in institutions of higher pedagogical education.

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