
The 2020 International Conference on Ubiquitous Power Internet of Things (UPIOT 2020) & 4th International Symposium on Green Energy and Smart Grid (SGESG 2020) were planned to be held in Xi’an, China from 20 to 22 August, 2020. UPIOT 2020 & SGESG 2020 is organized by Asia Pacific Institute of Science and Engineering(APISE). sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Shanghai Chapter, Member Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Chinese Society For Electrical Engineering. CSEE. IEEE PES Chongqing Chapter. Hong Kong Society of Mechanical Engineerings(HKSME) and Sichuan Nuo Yi Convention & Exhibition Service Co., Ltd. Media supported by Journals Center. China Electric Power Research Institute. Due to the impact of C’OVID-19, many communities from all over the world were under strict health measures and strict travel restrictions, and participants of UPIOT 2020 & SGESG 2020 also meet with the difficulty of travel restrictions. For communities, if our conference was not held in a virtual form, it would add huge work on traffic system, Exit-Entry system, medical system, etc., which is quite a serious issue, to actively respond to the call of the government, to strengthen the protection work, to effectively reduce people gathering and prevent C’OVID-19. considering the situation that most of the authors would like to publish their articles and make academic communications as scheduled. UPIOT 2020 & SGESG 2020 were held on-line instead of postponing the conference. It was a challenge, not only to the organizers, but also to the participants who were delivering their speeches using video conference tools, under different time zones.The conference provided a use fill fonun for both offering the latest research and exchanging recent findings in Ubiquitous Power Internet of Things. Green Energy. Smart Grid and related areas. The participants of the conference were from almost every part of the world, coming from academia, industry, and well-known enterprises. The success of the conference is reflected in the high quality papers that were accepted following a peer review process.The proceedings, being a compilation of technically sound papers, covers 3 chapters, namely UPIOT: Smart Grid: Equipment and Status Monitoring.The conference featured 6 Keynote Speakers (40 minutes each, including Q&A) and 4 Invited Speakers (30 minutes including Q&A). In addition, the program included 2 oral sessions and 1 poster session. The papers in the oral sessions were allotted 15 minutes each for presentation. Following the end of each session, the audience engaged in technical dialogues and discussed possible ways for future collaboration. A group photo was taken at the conference. There were a total of 87 participants, including Keynote Speakers, Invited Speaker, Committee Members, Session Chairs, Authors, Presenters and Listeners. The participants delivered and discussed technologies and research work on Ubiquitous Power Internet of Things, Green Energy, Smart Grid and related topicsWe would like to express our gratitude to everyone involved. Without this dedicated cooperation, it would be impossible to hold the conference at such a high level and prepare the UPIOT 2020 & SGESG 2020 proceedings.Prof. Guojie Li, Shanghai Jiaotong Univeristy, ChinaConference Chairman

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