
Purpose. This investigation examines changes in the parameters of heart rate turbulence and spatial dispersion of repolarization in persons with ventricular extrasystoles (VE), depending on constellation with stable angina (SA), post inflammation myocardial fibrosis (PIMF), including the effects of hypertension (AH), compared with patients without organic pathology with diagnosis of neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD). Material and methods. Thirty patients were examined in the following distribution of diagnoses: SA, PIMF, NCD and AH, which occurred in combination with other pathologies. All patients underwent a standard examination plan and Holter ECG monitoring (HM ECG) with analysis of electrocardiographic changes and assessment of turbulence onset parameters and T peak-T end interval dispersion of repolarization phase. VE and supraventricular extrasystoles (SVE) were diagnosed in all patients according to HM ECG. For statistical analysis we used the determination of the sample mean, the standard error of the mean, determined the significance of differences in quantitative parameters using the zero hypothesis for the paired t-test Student for normal distribution and t-criterion Wilkoxon at distribution other than normal. Results. When analyzing changes in turbulence onset and “Tpeak-Tend” (TpTe) intervals, a favorable distribution of TpTe (65.0+6.19 vs. 90.43+2.77ms, p 0%) under conditions of structural pathology of the heart. Conclusion. Analysis of the distribution of TpTe indicates a smaller effect of functional pathology in reducing the value of TpTe (p 0%).

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