
The role of the iron turnover in the economy can not be overestimated. To understand the processes of iron motion you need to know the proportion of metal used in the process of its production and distribution. Need to think of a complex structure intraindustrial relationships, establish proportions not only in the form of the most common indicators such as output, exports and imports of steel, but also how these parameters interact with each other. Knowledge of these flows will allow successfully predict metal fund, and to make long-term balance sheets of scrap. Interbranch balance (MOB) – economic-statistical model, which characterizes the inter-industry production linkages in the economy, as well as the connection between the release of products in the same industry and the cost of resources used up all the other sectors in the provision of this release. MPS is made as to the value and natural forms. In this article, the author of an original method, adapted to the needs of the calculation and analysis of the movement of steel between the individual stages of its production and consumption, based on the method-output tables and matrices «input-output» Leontiev. Also presented a method to predict the flow of metal in the individual stages of its circulation in the economy, depending on the projected volumes of final consumption of steel products in order to determine the forecast balances education and consumption of steel scrap.

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