
Numerous industrial challenges revolve around optimization, which necessitates the use of appropriate methodologies for determining the optimal solution. This article discusses the primary issues that arise while performing CFD analysis. However, it is noted that the classical optimization strategies described in the literature may be inapplicable in real-world circumstances when the problem is highly complex. In this research, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was used to optimise the level of velocity and temperature distribution within the industry that humans can endure throughout the textile steaming process. A detailed evaluation of all methods is conducted across a variety of scenarios using a variety of performance metrics in order to identify alternate approaches to resolving such issues. This is utilised for thermal management studies in the industrial sector. An investigation was carried out for a bleaching industry. Five different cases were considered to study the thermal behaviour. Among all the cases, if roof vents are open workers feel very comfortable. Because the temperature and velocity patters give superior results when compared to all the cases. Suggestions were given to the industry to incorporate this optimization process into an efficient bleaching process.

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