
Effective metal work function, Φ m,eff, and oxide charge, Q ox, were determined on MOS capacitors with slanted high- κ dielectric. Φ m,eff and Q ox were extracted using flat-band voltage shift versus equivalent oxide thickness data, both deduced from the capacitance–voltage measurements. Slanted HfSiO x dielectric (initial thickness was 9 nm) was prepared by gradual etching in HF-based solution. As a metal electrode, thin Ru-films were deposited by MOCVD-derived technique—Atomic Vapor Deposition ® on the slanted HfSiO x as well as SiO 2 dielectrics. The Φ m,eff of Ru was found to be 4.74 and 4.81 eV for Ru/HfSiO x and Ru/SiO 2 gate stacks, respectively. Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy yields the work function of 4.62 eV in agreement with the capacitance–voltage data. We also studied the I–V characteristics of the Ru/HfSiO x /Si MOS capacitors. The barrier height was found to be constant within the HfSiO x bulk.

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