
Background: Diabetes is a major non-communicable disease reaching epidemic proportions. Inspite of vigorous development in modern medical science and technology, management of diabetes has remained inadequate. Ayurveda with vast documentation of treatment in management of Prameha may hold the key to this problem. Aim: This review is expected to enrich the documentary evidences about classical references on formulations related to Prameha (Diabetes mellitus) enumerated in Laghutrayi. Material and methods: Laghutrayi texts are considered as one among the best Ayurveda treatises for understanding treatment principles of any disease. A total of 117 Pramehahara (anti-diabetic) formulations have been compiled from Laghutrayi by searching specific keywords from individual text’s hardcopy. Key words searched in phalashruti (verse with indications) included “prameha”, “meha”, “madhumeha” with suffixes like “hanti”, “harati”, “jayati”, “jit”, “nihanti”, “nashayet”, “nivrittaye”, “ghna”. Results: kvatha (decoction) is the highest enumerated dosage form (55 formulations) in Laghutrayi. Honey is the most enumerated adjuvant in Laghutrayi. Triphala is the highest enumerated herbal formulation in Laghutrayi (18 formulations), followed by Daruharidra (12 formulations). Conclusion: Validating these comprehensive observations of Pramehahara yoga (anti-diabetic formulations) mentioned in Laghutrayi may facilitate a better and precise treatment protocol in management of Diabetes mellitus.

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