. After the collapse of the USSR, Russia entered a new social transition period, and reform in the fi eld of state structures, including the legal system, began. The judicial power plays an important role in the process of legal reform, and is manifested at several levels of the state, society and the individual. Based on the gradual completion of the theoretical and institutional construction of the mechanism of action of the judicial power of the Russian Federation at the beginning of the transition period, the judicial power is gradually being put into practice, but as society develops, the mechanism of action of the judicial power dynamically develops in accordance with practical requirements, including changes in the system of judicial authorities, changes in the mechanism of judicial proceedings, improvement of the mechanism of control and ensuring the mechanism of judicial power, as well as separation of the power of execution of a sentence from the judicial power.In particular, in the system of judicial authorities, due to excessive pressure on the consideration of cases, the institution of justices of the peace, established during the judicial reform of 1864, was restored in order to ease the burden of the federal court and at the same time achieve a quick resolution of disputes between residents; The complete consolidation of the constitutional judicial system led to the gradual establishment of constitutional (statutory) courts of the subjects of the Russian Federation, which would allow improving the foundations of the constitutional judicial system and the constitutional judiciary in Russia; To address the review of judicial practice in cases related to the resolution of disputes on the protection of intellectual rights, the Intellectual Property Rights Court was established, which expanded the requirements of the judiciary in specialized areas; In order to eliminate various differences between the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation in the interpretation of many laws, the functions of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation were included in the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.As for the reform of the mechanisms of judicial proceedings, the institution of juries was restored during the judicial reform of 1864 in order to get rid of the institutional abuses associated with the institution of people’s assessors in the USSR; During the period of general social transition and judicial reform in Russia, the change in legal concepts and the requirement of judicial practice led to Russia reviewing and evaluating the institution of judicial precentors and; The principle underlying human rights in the Constitution has brought the role of the judiciary in the fi eld of ensuring and protecting civil rights to a signifi cant one, and the mechanism of administrative action has gradually changed with the adoption and application of the Code of Administrative Procedure of the Russian Federation. In the fi eld of improving the mechanism of control and ensuring the mechanism of judicial power, the judicial power, after judicial reform and institutional construction, achieved a situation of developing independence, a control mechanism was created by a subject consisting of the constitutional court of the Russian Federation, the parliament, the prosecutor’s offi ce, an autonomous body of judges, at the same time, the judicial department under the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation provided for the actions of the judiciary in the transitional period of the Russian Federation.The execution of decisions is the fi nal point of the judicial power, so the issue of the execution of decisions becomes an integral part of the exercise of judicial power in judicial reform, as well as concentrated in civil areas, while a specifi c way of reform is the separation of the power of execution of a sentence from the judicial power. The above will be a manifestation of the institutional transformations of the mechanisms of action of the judiciary to adapt to social development in the transition period. In a special and long process of transition, the judicial power of Russia could achieve useful action, as well as the renewal and transformation of institutions that are formed in practical processes, contributed to the continuous development of the judicial power, while the mechanism of action of the judicial power is continuously being improved.
Based on the gradual completion of the theoretical and institutional construction of the mechanism of action of the judicial power of the Russian Federation at the beginning of the transition period, the judicial power is gradually being put into practice, but as society develops, the mechanism of action of the judicial power dynamically develops in accordance with practical requirements, including changes in the system of judicial authorities, changes in the mechanism of judicial proceedings, improvement of the mechanism of control and ensuring the mechanism of judicial power, as well as separation of the power of execution of a sentence from the judicial power
As for the reform of the mechanisms of judicial proceedings, the institution of juries was restored during the judicial reform of 1864 in order to get rid of the institutional abuses associated with the institution of people’s assessors in the USSR; During the period of general social transition and judicial reform in Russia, the change in legal concepts and the requirement of judicial practice led to Russia reviewing and evaluating the institution of judicial precentors and; The principle underlying human rights in the Constitution has brought the role of the judiciary in the field of ensuring and protecting civil rights to a significant one, and the mechanism of administrative action has gradually changed with the adoption and application of the Code of Administrative Procedure of the Russian Federation
In the field of improving the mechanism of control and ensuring the mechanism of judicial power, the judicial power, after judicial reform and institutional construction, achieved a situation of developing independence, a control mechanism was created by a subject consisting of the constitutional court of the Russian Federation, the parliament, the prosecutor’s office, an autonomous body of judges, at the same time, the judicial department under the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation provided for the actions of the judiciary in the transitional period of the Russian Federation
一、司法权机关体系的变化 在俄罗斯转型期,司法权机关作为重要的司法权运行的载体发生了重要的变化,调解法官制度被恢复, 联邦主体宪法(宪章)法院完成了联邦主体司法权体系的构建,知识产权法院扩充了司法权运行的主体范 畴,以及最高法院与最高仲裁法院合并,这些都在优化俄罗斯联邦司法权运行方面的要求。 (一)调解法官制度的恢复 恢复重建调解法官制度作为俄罗斯联邦主体司法体系的一部分符合俄罗斯国家的联邦制特征,除了完成 联邦制的司法权的总体战略目标之外,还解决一系列的实际问题,使得借助增加法官编制减轻联邦法院负 担,同时也可以在法定期限内快速解决每个居民的生活纠纷。在这种情况下,恢复调节法官制度成为了俄 罗斯转型期司法改革的一项重要任务。 随着《俄罗斯联邦司法体系法》(以下简称《司法体系法》)的颁布,在原有三个法院层级基础上有增 加了一个新的层级,即调解法官,负责审理轻微的民事行政案件,在立法层面上减轻基层法院的审判工作压 力。在《司法体系法》的基础上,1998年12月17日签署了《俄罗斯联邦调解法官法》(以下简称《调解法 官法》),该部法律的生效也标志着调解法官制度恢复工作有了实质性进展,一些联邦主体也根据这一法律 先后设立了调解法官。3此后,俄罗斯联邦总统于1999年12月签署批准了《俄罗斯联邦主体调解法官总额和 司法分区法》,2001年2月,普京签署批准了《俄罗斯联邦主体调解法官总额和司法分区法的修改补充法》 ,2004年6月和12月,俄罗斯联邦又对上述法律进行了两次修改补充,调整了司法分区调解法官的数量。4 根据《调解法官法》第6条规定,调解法官由俄罗斯联邦主体的立法代表国家权力机构选举或任命,或 由相应司法区的居民按照俄罗斯联邦主体法律规定的程序选举产生。5调解法官像其他法院的法官一样行使 司法权。在俄罗斯转型期,调解法官的法律地位具有双重性、分散性---这是俄罗斯联邦法院系统组织的联 邦制立场的必然结果和固有特征。 (二)宪法司法系统的完善 俄罗斯联邦宪法法院在转型初期就已经基于以前的基础构建完成,但是联邦主体的宪法(宪章)法院却 没有同时实现。随着联邦宪法法院的建立,以及联邦主体对相关职能的要求,它们也逐渐开始建立自己的 宪法(宪章)法院,并制定宪法(宪章)法院法,在各自联邦主体内运行宪法司法权,使得整个俄罗斯在 宪法司法系统和宪法司法权的运行基础得以完善。 宪法司法体系的完成依赖于地方宪法司法权体系,如果缺少在所有联邦主体中的宪法法院就证明了国 家权力结构的建立尚未完成。因此,宪法领域的研究者和国家宪法司法机关反复强调建立联邦主体宪法法 院的必要性,重点就是联邦主体建立宪法法院的必要性是形成建立联邦主体中的所有权力机关体系的出发 点,以及国家宪法司法整体系统的出发点。 可以说,在俄罗斯联邦转型期,完成与保障法律制度、保护个人权利和自由相关的任务,联邦主体在很 多方面需要以法院工作来实现,例如对符合联邦主体宪法、根据面向联邦主体特别对象制定的规范性法律 文件的审查,俄罗斯联邦法院组织体系中的宪法规定的法院被号召来保护公民和法人的权利和自由,解决 公权力机关之间的争论和纠纷等等。这样,预先建立可以履行宪法诉讼程序的特殊专门的司法机关---联邦 主体宪法(宪章)法院就成为了俄罗斯宪法司法系统中的一个比较重要的环节。 在俄罗斯联邦主体中,建立自己宪法(宪章)法院和通过宪法法院法的联邦主体,其宪法司法权的内容 很多都是一致的,因此在具体的运行过程中也趋于相同。总的来说,宪法(宪章)法院作为俄罗斯联邦主 体司法权机关显现出保障宪法法律制度,个人的权利和自由,联邦主体权力机关的工作,并用宪法形式规 定的联邦中央和联邦主体之间分配权力对象的制度、区域层面上的分权原则,以及国家权力的合理、适当 分权下放。可以说,它们保障加强了国家中的联邦原则,形成相容的法律空间,在联邦主体区域内宪法和 法令处于首要地位并具有直接的效力,区域宪法司法制度的作用和工作提高了俄罗联邦主体宪法(宪章) 的协调功能、权威和法律意义。 (三)知识产权法院的建立 俄罗斯转型初期以最快的速度建立起了联邦法院系统,此后联邦主体法院系统也逐渐得到完善,但是对 于专业领域的法院的建构并没有同时完成,知识产权法院就是其中一个,而与此相关的纠纷却依然存在, 尤其是俄罗斯加入WTO之后,这种窘境就越来越突出,因此进行法院体系的改革,建立专门的知识产权法 院就成为了司法发展必要的工作。 当然,知识产权法院的建立也是由俄罗斯国内外一系列因素所共同推动的,其中包括俄罗斯转型期知 识产权保护意识淡薄、加入世界贸易组织后的责任、提高俄罗斯经济投资吸引力、知识产权的技术特性要 求,以及知识产权法的民法典化。因此,俄罗斯联邦的司法权要想在知识产权领域发挥作用,必须建立一 个专业性的载体,即专门法院,以专属对知识产权问题进行审理,使司法权的功能进入此领域,更好地运 用司法权对权利予以保障,同时反过来完善司法权的运行机制。 首次设立知识产权法院的建议列入1996年12月31日第1号“关于俄罗斯联邦司法体系联邦宪法修改案” 中,但是却迟迟未能实现,实质性的进展是在十几年之后。2008年,俄罗斯联邦最高仲裁法院院长伊万 诺夫提出了在俄罗斯联邦仲裁法院中建立专利法院的建议,“随后,这一专门法院概念被扩宽到也对其他.
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