
The purpose of this research are to determine the potential of consortium of plant growth-promoting bacteria as an active ingredients of bio-organic fertilizers and to determine the effect of bio-organic fertilizers on growth and production of maize. The research was carried out at the Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh Experimental Field, Limapuluh Kota Regency, West Sumatra in March-July 2020. The research was starting with the manufacture of water hyacinth bio-organic fertilizer (POH) which inoculated with a consortium of bacteria from the genera Pseudomonas and Bacillus. POH observations were carried out on species, population size, and nutrient content of bio-organic fertilizers. The POH application research was using a factorial design in a randomized block design with treatment I at POH 40, 80, 120, 160 ml / l water and treatment II with frequency of 2, 3, 4 times giving POH. The variables observed were N, P, K nutrient content, plant dry weight, and dry maize seed production. The results of the POH study contained P. aeruginosa, B. subtilis, and B. cereus with a total population of 2,8,107–2,8,108, potentially as active ingredients for bio-organic fertilizers. POH water hyacinth can increase plant N, P, K nutrients, plant dry weight, and dry maize seed production. The optimal POH dose for all observed variables is 80 ml / l of water.


  • The purpose of this research are to determine the potential of consortium of plant growthpromoting bacteria

  • The research was starting with the manufacture of water hyacinth bio-organic fertilizer

  • which inoculated with a consortium of bacteria

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Peran Bakteri

PGPR 4,3 x 107 Penambat N, CFU/ml pelarut P, produksi IAA, bakteri antagonis, Bacillus cereus biokontrol 2,8 x 107 Penambat N non-. Pada Tabel 1 P. aeruginosa merupakan bakteri paling dominan di dalam POH cair dengan jumlah populasi 2,8 x 108 CFU/ml. Dapat dijadikan pupuk hayati karena kemampuan bakteri ini dalam melarutkan fosfat, bahkan spesies tertentu dapat melarutkan hara mikro Zn dan Si. Bakteri B. cereus adalah salah satu bakteri nonpatogen yang berasal dari tanaman dan bersifat tidak merusak tanaman inang. Spesies dan jumlah populasi bakteri di dalam produk pupuk hayati bervariasi tergantung dari bahan baku dalam memproduksi pupuk organik hayati. Bakteri dapat hidup dan berkembang dari bahan organik (sumber karbon) pada media tempat tumbuhnya. Berdasarkan pembuatannya, POH memenuhi persyaratan kerapatan mikroba, sehingga bakteri ini dapat digunakan sebagai bahan aktif pupuk hayati. Ketiga jenis bakteri memiliki sifat kompatibilitas yang saling mendukung dalam peranannya sebagai dekomposer bahan organik (kotoran kandang sapi dan eceng gondok), sehingga dikelompokkan ke dalam mikroba Fungsional dengan kriteria jumlah populasi ≥ 1 x 105. Hasil dekomposisi bahan organik yang diinokulasi konsorsium bakteri menghasilkan karakteristik kimia seperti pada Tabel 2

Kandungan kimia
Takaran POH
Frekuensi Pemberian POH
Produksi Pipilan Kering Jagung
Bacterial Metabolites in Sustainable
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