
Rakshasa marriages, and Paisacha marriages are all attested to in the Vedas. One of the eight types of Hindu marriages, Gandharva marriage, involves events that are strikingly comparable to those in a live-in relationship . The Gandharva form of marriage was the most common during the Vedic era. A type of marriage known as a "Gandharva marriage" allows the couple to live together because of love and consent, finally becoming married consensually. Shakuntala and Dushyanta are a well-known couple that chose this type of union. Gandharva marriage is a type of union in which the woman selects her own spouse. According to Apastamba Grhyasutra, an ancient Hindu literature, Gandharva marriage is the method of marriage where the girl selects her own husband. They meet each other of their own accord, consensually agree to live together, and their relationship is consummated in copulation born of passion. This form of marriage did not require consent of parents and The Gandharva marriage method is defined by the ancient Hindu text Apastamba Grhyasutra as the marriage when the girl chooses her own husband. They meet on their own, decide to live together amicably, and then consummate their relationship through passionate copulation. The consent of the parents and anyone else was not necessary for this type of marriage. This was one of the earliest and most common type of marriage during the Rig Vedic period, according to Vedic records. In the Mahabharata, one of the two great Hindu epics, Rishi Kanva, Shakuntala's foster father, suggests the Gandharva union, saying that it is the best union possible between a desiring woman and a desirous man, without the use of rituals.

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