
The National Multisectoral Security and National Defense Policy to 2030 represents a great normative advance which contains 3 objectives and 14 guidelines that will guide the actions of the corresponding entities of the National Defense System (through which the State guarantees security) to face to the threats, concerns and challenges in its field, in an articulated and participatory manner at the national level (approved with Supreme Decree No. 005-2021-DE, 2021). This paper will analyze guideline 1.3 Strengthen national capacities for the defense of sovereignty and territorial integrity and the protection of the population and the territory against conflicts and threats in the external sphere, directly related to defense at the national level.The big problem that arises is the lack of interest of the Peruvian population in strengthening their National Security and Defense because they understand that it is a problem of the Armed Forces and not of themselves. As a consequence, politicians frequently underestimate the importance of Security and Defense; which is reflected in the low budget allocated for this purpose (PNMSDN). From this point of view,we are going to analyze individual rights (life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness), social rights (human rights) and their protection, which is the supreme goal of the State, which is why we maintain that all public institutions must be at the service of the protection of the human person and everything must revolve around this principle, which will help to increase the degree of protection of the safety of the Peruvian population.

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