Numerously different porous carbons have been prepared and used in a wide range of practical applications. Porous carbons are also ideal electrode materials for efficient energy storage devices due to their large surface areas, capacious pore spaces, and superior chemical stability compared to other porous materials. Not only the electrical double-layer capacitance (EDLC)-based charge storage but also the pseudocapacitance driven by various dopants in the carbon matrix plays a significant role in enhancing the electrochemical supercapacitive performance of porous carbons. Since the electrochemical capacitive activities are primarily based on EDLC and further enhanced by pseudocapacitance, high-surface carbons are desirable for these applications. The porosity of carbons plays a crucial role in enhancing the performance as well. We have recently witnessed that metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) could be very effective self-sacrificing templates, or precursors, for new high-surface carbons for supercapacitors, or ultracapacitors. Many MOFs can be self-sacrificing precursors for carbonaceous porous materials in a simple yet effective direct carbonization to produce porous carbons. The constituent metal ions can be either completely removed during the carbonization or transformed into valuable redox-active centers for additional faradaic reactions to enhance the electrochemical performance of carbon electrodes. Some heteroatoms of the bridging ligands and solvate molecules can be easily incorporated into carbon matrices to generate heteroatom-doped carbons with pseudocapacitive behavior and good surface wettability. We categorized these MOF-derived porous carbons into three main types: (i) pure and heteroatom-doped carbons, (ii) metallic nanoparticle-containing carbons, and (iii) carbon-based composites with other carbon-based materials or redox-active metal species. Based on these cases summarized in this review, new MOF-derived porous carbons with much enhanced capacitive performance and stability will be envisioned.
The development of efficient electrochemical energy storage materials is an urgent issue for modern scientific society [1,2]
It has been very clearly revealed that metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) would be ideal self-sacrificing templates for the preparation of porous carbon electrodes in supercapacitors
This MOF-based carbonization may have several advantages compared to traditional carbonization method using organic-based precursors
The development of efficient electrochemical energy storage materials is an urgent issue for modern scientific society [1,2]. Many electricity-driven devices ranging from small portable electronics to electric vehicles (EVs) absolutely require high performance rechargeable energy storage devices as a primary component [3]. In this sense, high-capacity lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) have been being studied intensively for better performance [4,5]. SSiinnccee tthhee pprrooppeerrttiieess ooff ccaarrbboonn mmaatteerriiaallss aarree mmaaiinnllyy rreellaatteedd ttoo tthheeiirrpprreeccuurrssoorrss,, oonneeccaannpprreeppaarree mmaannyy ddiiffffeerreenntt types of carbons bby cchhoooossiinngg ddiiffffeerreenntt MMOOFFss. MMOOFF--ddeerriivveedd ssuuppeerrccaappaacciittoorr eelleeccttrrooddee mmaatteerriiaals ccaannbbeeccllaassssiiffiieeddiinnttootthhrreeeemmaaiinnttyyppeessbbaasseeddoonntthheeiirrcchheemmiiccaallccoommppoossiittiioonnssoofftthheerreessuullttiinngg ppoorroouuss ccaarrbboonnss uppoonn pyrolysiiss of MOFs under inert atmosphere: ((ii)) ppuurree and heteroatom--ddooppeedd ccaarrbboonns, (ii) metallic nnaannooppaarrttiiccllee((NNPP))--ccoonntataininininggcacarbrboonns,s,anandd(ii(i)iio) tohtehrecracrabrobno-nb-absaesdecdocmopmopsiotseisteass ailsluisltlruastterdatiendScinhemSceh1e.mSeim1p.leSpimyrpolleyspisyprorolycseisss opfrocecretsasinoMf OceFrstaaiffnorMdsOaFlms oasftfoprudrse caalrmbosntacpeuoures cmarabteorniaclseowuisthmagtoeoridalps owroitshitgyo.
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