
Abstract German cockraoch field control tests with microencapsulated diazinon (Knox-Out 2FM) and microencapsulated resmethrin (Pencapthrin 0.25FM), laminated polymeric tapes containing 10% (by wf.) insecticide, and standard blatticides such as diazinon EC and Dursban EC, were conducted in a series of private apartments in Los Angeles. The 1- and 2- bedroom apartments had a total living area of ca. 74.3 m2 (800 ft2). Pre- and post-treatment infestation levels were determined by trapping in the kitchen of each apartment 1 week with two 0.95-liter Mason jars baited with fresh white bread. Trapped cockroaches were desiccated by a small amount of powdered clay in each trap. Statistical analyses (Wilcoxon’s signed-ranks test) were performed on pretreatment counts made 1 wk before treatment, and posttreatment counts made periodically up to 12 wks. With liquids, ca. 0.9 liter finish spray/apartment (9.5g a.i. in 1% spray) was applied to runoff from a 3.8-liter B&G compression sprayer equipped with a Spraying Systems Co.

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