
Abstract Tests were conducted in 74.3-m2 (800-ft2) apartments in a complex of several two-story stucco buildings, each with 7-10 living units. Pre- and posttreatment infestation levels were determined by trapping in each apartment with two 0.95-liter, wide-mouth jars baited with a slice of fresh white bread. Each trap contained ca. 30 g powdered dry clay (Olancha) to capture and kill cockroaches attracted to the bread. A trap was placed behind or next to the stove or refrigerator. Both traps were left in place 7 days. The contents of the traps were screened (20 mesh) and counted. Apartments were trapped 1 wk before treatments were applied and periodically up to 12 wks posttreatment. The degree of control was based on comparisons of trap catches before and after treatment (Wilcoxon’s signed-rank test). Approximately 0.9 liter (1 qt) finish spray/apt. was applied to runoff from a 3.9-liter (1-gal) B&G compression sprayer equipped with a Spraying Systems Co. Multeejet fan nozzle (No. 800067). Dilute synergized pyrethrins in petroleum solvent (1 sec. spray/cabinet = ca. 62 g spray/apt.) applied from pressurized cans were used in some apartments as a flushing agent 20 min after test sprays were applied.

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