
<p>Celem artykułu jest kontynuacja dyskusji nad kwestiami związanymi z terminologią onomastyczną, koniecznością jej harmonizacji i normalizacji (pojęcie → termin). Wskazany został przybliżony zasób terminów antroponomastycznych oraz wstępna koncepcja słownikowego opracowania terminów w ramach projektu „Polska terminologia onomastyczna”. Na wybranych przykładach pokazano w kontekście dotychczasowej tradycji i praktyki badawczej synonimię, wariantywność jednostek terminologicznych, współwystępowanie form rodzimych i obcych (zwykle adaptowanych greckich lub łacińskich), racjonalność nowych terminów, dublety z liczbą gramatyczną. Zwrócono uwagę na potrzebę wskazania w planowanym słowniku terminologicznym terminów preferowanych, dopuszczalnych i niezalecanych, ograniczenia wariantów, uzasadnienia nowych terminów potrzebą użycia.</p><p> </p>


  • The attempts made in the past to systematize Polish onomastic terminology failed to bring the expected results, despite the fact that as early as in the 1980s it was stressed that “the most valuable value in terminology is its uniformity”

  • In an article in the 40th issue of “Onomastica” (1995, pp. 247–253), Zofia Abramowicz and Leonarda Dacewicz wrote about the growing need to arrange the terms in order and to develop a dictionary of Polish onomastic terminology

  • Headword articles in an alphabetically ordered lexicon containing, in accordance with the assumptions, onomastic and general linguistic terminology were to consist of the following elements: the term, the name of a branch of onomastics or linguistics, the definition, all meanings, examples of names, variants or synonyms of a term, its origin, foreign equivalents, use of the term in dictionaries and literature

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The attempts made in the past to systematize Polish onomastic terminology failed to bring the expected results, despite the fact that as early as in the 1980s it was stressed that “the most valuable value in terminology is its uniformity”. 247–253), Zofia Abramowicz and Leonarda Dacewicz wrote about the growing need to arrange the terms in order and to develop a dictionary of Polish onomastic terminology. Headword articles in an alphabetically ordered lexicon containing, in accordance with the assumptions, onomastic and general linguistic terminology were to consist of the following elements: the term, the name of a branch of onomastics or linguistics, the definition, all meanings (in the case of ambiguous terms), examples of names, variants or synonyms of a term, its origin, foreign equivalents, use of the term in dictionaries and literature. In this spirit, the preliminary assumptions of the new terminological project were developed: preference for native terms while accepting adapted foreign terms, striving to maintain the divisibility of terms assigned to separate conceptual fields, application of an onomasiological approach, observance of the principle of clarity, indication of usage, attendance and correctness recommendations (terms that are accepted, non-recommended, acceptable, with incorrect spelling), taking into account the cultural aspect The overriding principle seems to be the pursuit of systematization

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