
The subject of the study is the social network theory for the management of international migration. The theory suggests that migration from the society of origin to the hosting society can occur if links exist between these two societies, and that the flow of migrants follows the established links. The theoretical prediction which one can make is that, if the political administration wishes to establish a flow of migrants between any two societies, a link between these two societies must be established first. The author tested the theory on the case of managing the emigration of workers by the government of Bangladesh. The paper found that, firstly, the links between the origin society and the host society were created artificially, however, in contrast to the theoretical forecast, the author observed that such links usually do not correspond to the geographical distribution of maximum proximity to origin or destination society. Instead, the study revealed, that the closeness of communication between two societies is generated by the proximity between political administrations of the same societies, which contradicts the theoretical expectations. In this regard, the author proposed to expand the theory of international migration in the social network, suggesting that the proximity between two political administrations, and not between two societies as a whole, is a condition necessary for international migration. This, in turn, allows us to fill a theoretical gap that is associated with the relationship between social network theory and the management of international migration. The paper concludes that it is possible to generate arbitrary migration flows, creating appropriate links between any two societies.


  • The problem of managing of international migration [Введение: проблема управления международной миграцией]International migration is a social phenomenon which, by its own nature, is susceptible to escape the jurisdiction of any single government, leading to known socio-economic [Михайленко, 2019; Ott & Boonyarak, 2020] and security concerns [Adamson, 2006] on the parts of the public administrations involved

  • In this paper we have studied the relationship between the social network theory on migration, and the theory on public management of international migration

  • We identified a theoretical gap in the literature on the phenomenon of international migration, which relates to the inability by social network theory, alone, and by public management theory, alone, to explain why migration occurs between two initially separated societies

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Парвен Шаханаз

ФГАОУ ВО «Российский университет дружбы народов», 117198, ул. Миклухо-Маклая, 6, г. Предмет настоящего исследования – теория социальных сетей для управления международной миграцией. Что миграция из общества происхождения в принимающее общество может происходить, если существуют связи между этими двумя обществами, и что поток мигрантов проходит по линии установленных связей. Теоретический прогноз, который можно сделать, заключается в том, что если политическая администрация желает установить поток мигрантов между любыми двумя обществами, сначала необходимо установить связь между этими двумя обществами. Что близость связи между двумя обществами порождается близостью между политическими администрациями одних и тех же обществ, что противоречит теоретическим ожиданиям. В связи с этим автор предложил расширить теорию международной миграции в социальной сети, предположив, что близость между двумя политическими администрациями, а не между двумя обществами в целом, является условием, необходимым для международной миграции. Что можно создавать любые миграционные потоки, формируя соответствующие связи между любыми двумя обществами. Political management of emigration from Bangladesh in the framework of a social network theory

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