
In late July 2021, the general offices of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council jointly released a guideline on the "double reduction" policy, aiming to effectively improve the education level of schools, to reduce the excessive homework and after-school tutoring burden on students. The significance of "double reduction" lies in that "double reduction" reflects the orientation of quality education; "double reduction" reflects the quality and balanced development of compulsory education. The practical exploration on "double reduction" can be classified as three levels: at the national management level, consistent measures to reduce the burden and numerous "supporting measures" work together to reduce the burden and improve the quality; at the provincial level, how to implement the "double reduction" policy has become the focus of social attention; at the level of education participants, "double reduction" points out the direction for stakeholders and prevents rebound risks. "Double reduction" is a systematic project, which should guide and encourage students, parents, teachers, principals, and training institutions, the public and other parties to make joint efforts.

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