
DKI Jakarta is one of the areas that has the highest number of Covid-19 cases in Indonesia. The central government and local governments are trying to make various efforts and policies to deal with Covid-19. Various policies and efforts have been made by the DKI Jakarta government to control the spread of Covid-19. The Government Policy timeline, including the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM), Policies for washing hands, wearing masks, maintaining distance, avoiding crowds and maintaining a distance (5M) and vaccination policies. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of effective policy implementation on the reduction of positive cases. This study uses a quantitative method with stratified random sampling. The results showed that the implementation of the PPKM, 5 M and vaccination policies had a positive and significant impact on the decline in cases in DKI Jakarta.The managerial implication in this case is that improving the quality of these factors is the basis that must be met by the Government, and it requires a response, quick and maximum action, also by developing collaboration and strengthening the structure of the bureaucracy.

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