
The patterm of Islamic education during the time of Prophet Muhammad-peace be upon him, especially the Mecca and Medina periods, is a past history that needs to be re-expressed as a comparison material, a source of ideas, an overview of strategies in the successful implementation of an Islamic education process. The pattern of education at the time of Prophet Muhammad-peace be upon him was inseparable from the methods, education materials, students, institusions, principles, and goals. Thus, it is necessary to have a reference source on the problem. Based on the analysis of hadith text, it can be concluded that Islamic education in Mecca is the teaching of the Qur’an and monotheism education, which emphasizes to instill the values of monotheism into the soul of every individual Muslim so that their soul radiates the light of monotheism and is reflected in their actions and behavior of everyday life. While the main characteristics of fostering Islamic education in Medina can be said to be as social and political education. This is a form of continuation of monotheism education in Mecca, that guidance in the field of social and political education is aimed at realizing a social order based on social values sourced from the Qur'an and Hadith.

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