
This work focused on the presentation of the activities developed in the scope of intervention for the Pedagogical Residence project, in the context of a third year high school class of a state school, which dealt with the theme of visual poetics in the axis of the modernist experience in Brazil. In this sense, there was a diachronic approach, from modernism – pointing out its phases and, specially, paying attention to the poetics interested in the development of visual components, such as those from João Cabral de Melo Neto, from Pernambuco – to the concrete poetry, a movement that will be responsible for proposing a possible horizon, wich is conventionally called visual poetry. Together with the literary discussions, we worked with the genre critical review, to enable students to develop a written production about the documentary Poetas de campos e espaços (1992), the final activity of the sequence. Given the pandemic scenario by which the world was challenged, the classes were organized in two axes: regular and online classes, as the experience took place in a hybrid model. In the first case, the meetings in the classroom were organized in the expository-dialogue model, while in the second, the aid of the youtube platform was used to broadcast recorded classes.

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