
Based on an updated census for the endangered Dupont’s lark (Chersophilus duponti), we conducted a phytosociological survey of 167 sites representative of the distribution area of the species in Europe. Results were used as a starting point for conservation assessment. According to our observations, the bird selects flat deforested areas colonized by small shrubs corresponding to successional, subclimax stages that are either naturally or artificially exploited. Four groups of scrubs were occupied by the bird: (1) supramediterranean dwarf cushion scrubs dominated by Genista pumila ssp. rigidissima or Erinacea anthyllis; (2) gypicolous shrublands and grasslands associated with Lygeum spartum; (3) shrubs dominated by chamaephytes producing allelopathic substances (Thymus, Lavandula, Salvia) and showing different facies according to the level of disturbance; and (4) supramediterranean acidophilous scrubs dominated by Cistus, Erica or Cytisus species. As management measures, we propose reducing tree density in flat areas, promoting the growth of chamaephytes by clearing phanerophytes, and encouraging traditional low-level transhumance grazing. These measures will provide high-quality habitats and help preserve, or even expand, habitable patches to ensure the viability of the European metapopulation of this rare and sensitive songbird.

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