
Habitat-suitability modelling is being increasingly used as a tool for conservation biology. Although studies at large spatial scales are more appropriate for reserve design and management, there is a scarcity of published work on local, high-resolution applications of such models. In this work we develop high-resolution habitat models (1 ha) and study habitat preferences (focal points) of Dupont’s lark Chersophilus duponti, an endangered shrub-steppe passerine, in the partially overlapping Special Protected Area for birds (SPA) and Important Bird Area (IBA) of “páramos de Layna” (NW Spain), to assess both the adequacy of the reserve’s limits and the effect of land-use changes on the species’ population size. Both analytical approaches show that the Dupont’s lark favours flat areas characterized by small shrubs with bare ground, so that, for example, a conversion of dry crops to shrubs promoted by agri-environment schemes under CAP could increase the population size up to 80%. Although the IBA and SPA are similar in size – as compelled by EU environmental policy – the latter shows rugged topography typically avoided by the species. We further discuss the possible conflict between EU environmental and agricultural policies on the conservation of this species and suggest it can be addressed with our study approach.

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