
The study of freshwater phytoplankton of the Samotlor field is associated with intense oil production and fragmentary reports on the state of wetland communities in the north of Western Siberia. The obtained data expands and complements the information about algae in extreme conditions. The goal of this research is to study the structure of the phytoplankton of high-latitude water bodies under oil pollution. The method of chemical-analytical studies in surface waters revealed excess standards in 2-62 times. By the amount of ammonium nitrogen, the studied water bodies are classified as polluted and very polluted. The amount of sulfates, nitrates, and phosphates in all water samples is lower than the standard MPCfw. During the microscopic examination, 88 algae from 48 genera, 29 families, 10 classes and 7 divisions were found. The basis of the floristic composition consists of Bacillariophyta, Euglenophyta and Chlorophyta. One dominant species (Kolbe-Visloukh method) and seven subdominants were identified. The most successful algae in plankton make up 4.5%. The analytical review showed the predominance of planktonic algae, which are indifferent to salinity and pH, cosmopolitan and ?-mesosaprobic in terms of saprobity. According to the data obtained, a significant deviation of parameters in the chemical composition of water, as well as in the structure dominants, and abundance of phytoplankton from the regional norm, was identified. Phytoplankton under oil pollution is poor in composition, and a significant number of large taxa with a small number of species emphasizes the complexity of the fluorogenic processes in the waters of the Samotlor field. The materials can be applied in a comprehensive study of water bodies, their typological characteristics, in the organization of environmental monitoring and the development of measures to protect aquatic ecosystems from pollution and eutrophication.

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