
Research and experimental research made it possible to reveal the level of physical fitness of students of the Faculty of Physical Education, who are engaged in freestyle wrestling. The indicators obtained in the test tests revealed that the physical qualities of the subjects were formed gradually. A slight advantage is observed in indicators of speed and strength formation. It is these qualities that are a priority for freestyle wrestlers, which was confirmed by the conducted experimental research.
 In classes, depending on the period of training, various tasks, means and training methods are used. It is more effective to alternate different sets of exercises using a variety of training methods. For the age of athletes presented in the work, competitive, circular, methods and methods of speech and demonstration are best suited when performing specially preparatory, competitive exercises, exercises with partners or a dummy.
 According to the results of the experimental research, it was found that students improved their results in all test exercises by the end of the academic year. The technical preparation of freestyle wrestlers has undergone the same changes. According to the results of the educational and training year, the average score of the subjects increased in all technical and tactical actions. Which indicates the correct selection of means and methods of physical education. At the same time, the conditions of students' workload during the day were also taken into account, because in the first half of the day they are busy with academic work, training was held in the evening.
 An analysis of the competitive activity of students of the Faculty of Physical Education, who are engaged in the freestyle wrestling section, showed that the boys took an active part in all competitions during the academic year. The following were the most successful: Championship of Ukraine in freestyle wrestling among juniors and juniors born in 2004-2005: one first and one second place, Championship of the Zakarpattia region in freestyle wrestling among men and women: one first and two third places, Universiade of universities: two first places places, three second places and six third places.

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