
The Character of Physical Education best can be viewed through the social formation through which humanity has passed. Slave-owning system that was formed less than seven thousand years ago was divided into: the ruling class made up of slave owners and slaves who had no means of production and no authority. Physical education in a slave-owning society has its own specific characteristic and can be said it was even planned and organized and its features can be seen from the example of Sumerians, Hittites, Assyrians and Persians, China, Egypt, Sparta, Athens and Rome. The nations that came in power tended to new knowledge in all areas, and within specific forms of education and physical education. A variety of physical exercises were available only to the ruling class, who could spare time to meet the numerous and varied entertainment content. Pictures on the walls of tombs, various figures from clay, copper and gold reliefs, literary evidence show what was the attitude towards physical exercise. Dancing and music were present at numerous festivals. There were also martial arts, such as: wrestling, boxing, pugilism, and other sports: running, javelin throw, discus throw, jump into the distance and means of rods, ball games, swimming, gymnastics, archery, horseback riding, etc. The greatest popularity in Rome enjoyed the race chariots with two or four horses and gladiatorial combat. The wars, that were constantly waged, and new conquests brought new wealth that was invested in magnificent buildings. In order to maintain a variety of entertainment, circuses, imperial palaces, theaters and triumphal arches were raised. If we compare the achievements of Roman culture with the culture of the ancient Greeks, we can see that the technique, order, discipline and the law are related to Rome, in contrast to art, literature and philosophy related to Greece. It is undisputed that physical education through all these periods was paid a great attention. Physical culture has taken a special place in the arts, a beautiful and healthy body was the ideal of the ancient Greeks, and many artists show in vase painting and sculpture in the form of athletes in full force. Along with the breakdown of the slavery system and the collapse of the Roman Empire, it comes to destruction of the games that have been for centuries means in the hands of the ruling class.

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