The continuous down-sizing of metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors have been confronted with various challenges in the last few decades, ranging from aggressive reduction of channel to miniaturization of dielectric gate thickness. In a bid to proffer solution to these challenges, a high-κ dielectric and metal gate technology was proposed to substitute the conventional silicon dioxide gate layers. Therefore, this study focused on the formation of Ho2O3 thin film on a SiC substrate by sputtering and thermal oxidation. The effects of thermal oxidation on the structural, chemical, and electrical properties of the resulting Ho2O3 layers were evaluated experimentally at various temperatures from 800 – 1100 °C. The crystallinity of the Ho2O3 films were detected by x-ray diffraction, W-H plot, crystallites size, micro-strain, high resolution transmission electron microscopy. The result of electrical characterization shows that thermally oxidized samples at 900 °C have the optimum electrical properties, which could be attributed to the thinnest oxide and absence of interfacial layer that was recorded at that temperature.
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